How to draw biological digram in computer? Biological figure drawing softwares tools list

How to draw biological digram in computer?

How to draw biological figure

When we write any research paper or article it necessary to add pictorial digram in that to explain the readers better and understable, so here we discussed about how you can create a biological digram and images in computer using various biological digram maker tools so let’s start our discussion so here we add some tools name and their link as well so you can go and use them by clicking link on particular tools. Most of tools we discussed here are some of free or some tools are paid so you don’t worry about that You can use free or open source tool for your biological digram maker we list free and open source tool only but if you want full access of them you have to buy their premium plan but as a biologist we don’t required premium plan of that we can create Good and excellent quality flow charts and digram from free version as well.

Biological figure drawing software free tool list

Tool NameBioRender
Official websitewebsite
Tutorial LinkClick

Here is first tool which is widely used among reseacher and content creator is Biorender it’s open and free source tool but some features are paid you have to buy if you want to full access of this tool. It’s user friendly interface make it accessible to non technical person as well you don’t need any prior experience to run this tool. It’s completely user friendly.

Tool NameChem Draw
Official websitewebsite
Tutorial Linkclick 

Second tool is Chem Draw it is widely used tool among chemist and pharmacy who draw structure of drugs or chemical structure of any molecule it has various features which will you allow to add bond length functional group and chage as well on structure so it can be used in your publication as well. It’s an also features that you can calculate your structure melting and boiling point as well and various physical and chemical properties you can calculate by this software it is freely available and you can easily install to you system.

Tool NameLucidchart
Official websitewebsite
Tutorial Linkclick

Third tool is Lucidchart it’s biological tool it’s web version is also available You can use it’s web version by creating account in lucidchart and start your designing molecular structure it has also simple drag and drop interphase like bio render. If we conpared chem draw to lucidchart it’s use for generate various types of digram while chemdraw you can draw only chemical structure of compound not digram. Lucidchart has free plan as well as paid plan free plan you can access limited number of features while in paid plan you can access advance functions of lucidchart.

Tool NameCanva
official websitewebsite
Tutotial Linkclick

Fourth tool is Canva you can use Canva to create biological digram and images Canva has also various biological structure images templates and elements are present which can any one create good and creative biological image digram canva is available in web and app version both you can use any version of that and create biological images.

Tool NameInkscape
official websitewebsite
Tutotial Linkclick

Fifth tool is Inkscape it is open source tool it is vector graphics editor it has various elements such as square, lines, circle, curve,etc which can be used and make creative biological image. by using various extension and plugin in this one can enhance it’s functionality and access full tool. It has not option to drop and drag you can draw your image using graphics editor you it might be uncomfortable who comfortable in drag and drop interphase.

Tool Name yEd Graph Editor
official websitewebsite
Tutotial Linkclick

Sixth tool is yEd Graph Editor it is also free and open source tool which is widely used for pathway, network digram and flowchart construction related to life sciences and Biotechnology related work. Tool required steper learning curve for running. It has various data import format available example GraphML, XGM, DOT and you can export your digram from various file format such as pdf, png , SVG, JPG, etc.